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Every educational employee is a critical part of ensuring that our students in New Mexico’s public education system are successful both during their time at school, but also as part of their future higher education or career. We are all part of a big family, each having a part to play in laying a solid foundation for every student.


Each school year, thousands of educators also make the important decision to join their union as well. I am inviting you to do the same!

Our union is growing daily – but being part of the union isn’t just about the numbers – we know that strength also comes from keeping the best interests of our students at the forefront of our work. Having a strong, statewide union ensures that our fights for less testing and greater opportunities for authentic learning, greater local control, more opportunities for career technical education, and closer attention to equitable education are heard by decision makers in Santa Fe.


As educators, our union also fights for our profession. We believe that there is tremendous dignity in our work, and we strive for greater respect, autonomy, increased local decision-making, living wages for all educational employees, and a return to the belief that educators – from early education through higher education – are the backbone of our communities, schools, and educational institutions. Every day that you work in our profession is a chance to exemplify these values we all share!


We’ve seen what happens when non-educators get to make the decisions for our public education system in New Mexico. Students become just a number, data is more important that teaching, jobs are privatized, wages are stagnant, and education is treated as a way to make money for corporations. We know that we must do better for our students and their families.


I strongly encourage you to join your union today – being active and building power at the local level allows us to keep public education in New Mexico student and educator-focused, and allows us to use our collective voices to create opportunities to achieve the visionary, world-class public education our students deserve.


We are stronger together – welcome to the AFT New Mexico family!


In Solidarity,

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