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Mesa Vista Federation of Teachers

MVFT #4346

"Bargaining Unit" includes the following classifications: All Certified, Classified and Blue/White Collar Employees, including Licensed Teachers and Special Education Teachers, Special Education Assistants, Nurses, Counselors, Tutors, Reading Coaches, Technology Coordinators, Library Assistants, Secretaries, Educational Assistants, Computer Lab Assistants, Attendance Clerks, Security Personnel, Custodians, Maintenance Personnel, Bus Drivers and Cooks.


➜ Educational Assistants/Library Assistants, custodians, and maintenance employees will be paid their hourly rate during any 2-hour weather delays.

➜ Each employee will be granted a maximum of three (3) four (4) paid leave days per school year in the event of each death of an employee's immediate family and maximum of three (3) days annual for non-immediate family and/or friend, without deduction from sick, personal, or annual leave. In extenuating circumstances, the Superintendent may grant additional days. These additional days will be charged to the earned sick or personal leave.

➜ Added: aunt, uncle, nephew, niece, or cousins of the employee related through consanguinity (blood related) or affinity (by current marriage), to the immediate family definition.

Increased the minimum salary for Security Guard to 25k to match the mandated salary increase of the Educational Assistants mandated by the State of NM.

Endorsed a retired Bus Driver for the School Board elections. He won with a large margin. The top three candidates will take the three vacant seats. He came in first with a large margin over the only incumbent to run.

Negotiated and doubled the bilingual stipend from $1500 to $3000 and the TESOL from $500 to $1000.


Negotiated Agreement - Educational Assistants
Negotiated Agreement Unit 1
Negotiated Agreement Unit 2
Negotiated Agreement: Certified
Negotiated Agreement: Classified


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